1. Summary

The tech development marketplace is evolving rapidly with new features and functionalities introduced now and then. With numerous frameworks and programming languages, coming within the ambit, making the right choice of the framework seems a tough call to make. Laravel is a renowned open-source framework with many functionalities and features to develop robust applications faster. But, still, the question persists, “Is Laravel Good?” So, here is this blog post, to help you answer why use Laravel and everything else there is to know about the Laravel framework in 2024.

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Features of Laravel
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Laravel
  • Why use Laravel for Enterprise Web App Development
  • What is Laravel Used For?
  • Conclusion
  • FAQ

2. Introduction

The Laravel framework is one of the most renowned open-source PHP frameworks. It is a web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax. Laravel is a backend framework that offers a significant set of features that can come in handy while building powerful modern web applications. The features include routing, validation, caching, queues, file storage, and more. T follows the model-view-controller or MVC design pattern and uses the existing components of various frameworks that help create more structured and pragmatic web applications.

Laravel is a great choice for developers looking for a framework to expedite their web application development process, due to its active community, comprehensive documentation, and ecosystem of packages.

3. Features of Laravel

Like every other framework, Laravel has features that make it an ideal choice for web app development and help it stand ahead of others. Let us take a look at them:

Blade Template Engine

Laravel PHP framework has pre-made lightweight templates that are recognized for allowing the creation of exceptional layouts with dynamic content seeding. It also offers a variety of necessary widgets combining the CSS and JavaScript code using solid frameworks. With just a little effort Laravel templates can allow for simple and composite layouts.

The Blade Template Engine within the Laravel framework helps your development teams create the visual part of the website or the business application. The Blade Template Engine allows you to easily create web pages, by writing clear and organized code. Using the Blade Template within the Laravel you need to make a view file and save it with the “.blade.php” extension in place of a “.php” extension.


Laravel offers an easy and intuitive way to define the routes within your application. This Routing helps you to map the URL for specific actions such as displaying a view, making an API call or even sending an email.

MVC Architecture Support

Model-View-Architectural support within the Laravel ecosystem is a significant feature that makes it easy to separate the concerns of your application data, user interface, and control flow. It also offers an elegant way to organize the code for your web application. Within Laravel the Controller manages the interaction of the Model and View, however, the Model represents the data and the View is responsible for presenting the user interface.

Artisan CLI

The Artisan command-line interface for Laravel offers a comprehensive range of tools. Within Artisan you can finish the frequent operations with just a few simple commands, such as generating the boilerplate code, carrying out database migrations, and cleaning the cache.

Eloquent ORM

The Eloquent is Laravel’s in-built ORM or the Object Relational Mapper which offers an easy way to define the relationships between the models and enables you to perform database operations within an object-oriented manner.


Laravel helps your development teams with features of an inbuilt testing framework that helps you to easily test your applications. It also offers ways for mocking and stubbing the external services. Your development team can easily write automated tests for their code using the framework’s testing tools and verify that everything is working as it should.

Web App Cache

The Laravel framework having PHP at its core has the PSR-16 caching interface, which helps simplify and standardize methods to implement caching in PHP applications which is the foundation upon which the Laravel caching system is constructed. The caching system also supports a wide range of drivers, including in-memory, file, and database caching. Your developers can use Laravel’s cache facade, which offers a simple and user-friendly interface for working with the caching system for using the caching in Laravel.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Laravel Development

With recalling our knowledge of the features that the Laravel development framework brings onboard here is the time to jump onto the advantages and disadvantages of the Laravel application development framework.

Advantages of Laravel

Below given are a few top Laravel advantages that make it a great choice for web application development.


Security has always been a strong suit for the Laravel framework, the credit goes to its efficiency in working only on the server side of your business application. Laravel offers inbuilt security features that help protect the data against external security breaches. The factors that make Laravel applications secure include the Authentication system, cookie protections, SQL injection, cross-site request forgery (CSRF), password hashing, and more. Laravel also possesses an advanced authentication system and Bcrypt hashing for the passwords. Your users can be assured of the full protection of their data shared with the web applications or sites.

In-built Support for Authorization and Authentication

Controlling access to the resources and organizing the authorization is a simple step with Laravel. Testing and authorization with Laravel are completed with a single command. It also allows for testing support with the PHPUnit and the dedicated file setup. It consists of the required techniques such as subscription, login, and password reset, for ensuring the overall authentication. It also has other methods that help with expressive testing to offer simple troubleshooting options and basic user simulations such as form filing and link clicking.

Elegant Syntax

Laravel possesses an expressive and elegant syntax that makes it easier for our development teams to write maintainable and readable code. It comes with its set of a more readable and shorter syntax which gives less space for errors while writing codes and also reduces the development time. Also, the shorter code reduces the cognitive time needed to understand the code.

Easy Data Management

Database transactions are a crucial part of maintaining the data integrity and maintaining the consistency of your database. The Laravel development helps to prevent data corruption and allows for changes within your database ensuring them are executed properly. Without transactions, simultaneous access to your database can lead to data loss or even inconsistent data. The Laravel framework database transactions are addressed using the Eloquent ORM or inbuilt query builder. The Laravel offers a convenient and simple way to handle transactions.


Another significant advantage of the Laravel framework is that it helps increase the traffic of your website and can process requests faster compared to other frameworks. Using the Laravel framework may lead to delays in completing specific website operations such as delivering messages within the given time frame. Lowering the hosting expenses, your development teams can use it to maintain the website speed.

Laravel also offers in-built drivers that help the server-side caching. You can use the right set of commands to raise the cache limit. It also automatically helps improve memory management and improves the website’s backend performance and loading times.

Error Handling

Errors are a common part of the development process. However, with the Laravel extensive error handling system, your development teams can handle errors effectively when an error occurs, Laravel captures the exception and delivers options for logging the error, displaying a user-friendly error page, or customizing the error response.

Disadvantages of Laravel

As with every other framework within the market. Laravel also features its set of drawbacks and disadvantages which you should consider while developing your business applications using the Laravel Development framework. Here is the list of Laravel framework disadvantages for your consideration:

Lightweight Framework

The Laravel framework comes with its set of comprehensive range of inbuilt features that can help your development team pace up your development project. However, compared to other frameworks for web development Laravel possesses fewer features and is referred to as lightweight software. Though you can build vast and robust web applications using the Laravel frameworks however making them is a tough and tedious task to complete.

Limited Support

Though Laravel is a renowned framework within the tech development marketplace there is limited support for the framework. This often leads to significant issues in the case of system downtimes.

High Cost

Laravel has a significant community but still, it is not easy to come by when it comes to cost. The investment you have to make while making your Laravel application is dependent on multiple factors, such as developer experience, time invested, and the engagement model used. Therefore, overall it is more costly when compared to the other frameworks.

Frequent Updates

Laravel presents timely updates, which is excellent. But the downside is that the older versions of the product can quickly face getting bugs. Also, your development teams often face difficulties updating to the latest framework versions.

5. Types of Applications You Can Build Using Laravel

The Laravel framework allows you to create a wide range of business applications and a few of the application types include:

Content Management Systems

Laravel allows you to build a platform for managing, creating, and publishing content. Laravel offers features such as user management, role-based permissions, flexible routing and more making it easy to create flexible and scalable CMS solutions.

Customer Relationship Management

Laravle offers a flexible architecture that enables you to create CRM solutions. It offers features such as track interaction, customer data management, automating the sales processes and product reports, and more. CRM software helps handle and develop relationships with both current and future customers. You can also use Laravel to create strong CRM for internal management or even as a SaaS solution.

Social Networking Websites

The Laravel framework offers the creation of social network websites where your users can easily communicate, share, and interact. It also provides features such as user Profile activity channels, friends systems, notifications, and even real-time news.

B2B Websites

Laravel allows the creation of web development portals and allows your customer to easily outsource their services and create robust B2B website solutions that enable them to manage their data in a highly secure environment.

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6. What is Laravel Used For?

As we know Laravel is a strong PHP framework that is mainly designed to streamline web application development with robust features. It helps to solve difficult backend tasks, improve API development, and give support to dynamic web interfaces. Here are some points you need to know about the capabilities and uses of Laravel in web development:

Elegant Syntax

It Offers to write syntax and is easy to read. Also, it promotes clean and maintainable code.

Backend Functionality

Laravel is the ideal framework for building web applications with complex backend functionalities.

Built-in Tools

There are many built-in tools Including routing, middleware, and authentication to simplify development with Laravel.

Eloquent ORM

This framework permits efficient and intuitive integration with databases and makes data manipulation clear and simple.

API Development

Laravel Passport and Sanctum provide secure API authentication and token management. The other RESTful routing helps integrate the development of RESTful APIs.

Blade Templating Engine

This engine helps in creating dynamic web interfaces.

Task Scheduler and Queue System

It helps to improve the capability and productivity of web applications.

Laravel Ecosystem

Laravel Ecosystem has useful tools like Laravel Forge and Laravel Envoyer for server management and deployment.

Wide Range of Applications

It is suitable for building small websites to large enterprise applications with the help of its comprehensive features and developer-friendly approach.

7. Conclusion

The Laravel framework offers a wide range of features that are perfect for any web application, from small businesses to enterprise-level solutions. It includes built-in functionalities that make development easier. Additionally, Laravel’s official packages add even more value. Our Laravel developers help you to build custom development as per your preference.

8. FAQs

Laravel gives easy-to-control access to its resources for the organization of authentication. Laravel is called the PHP authentication framework.

Laravel is a PHP framework that is open-source and it is mainly designed to simplify web application development. It has a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It helps to create scalable applications.

Laravel has a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture that enhances overall productivity by providing important documentation and simplifying web application functions. It makes Laravel the best choice for web development.

Laravel is a very easy-to-use web framework that helps you to build robust PHP-based websites and web applications.

Laravel helps to solve difficult tasks and improve code readability by promoting quick and scalable development. Its modular structure and built-in tools help to develop the best web applications.



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