
The work of technology is fast-evolving, and Javascript is an ecosystem that offers a plethora of opportunities. Since the business world is now online, a major group of people are focusing on various frameworks and tools that help us simply with the challenges of Javascript. In this article, we will explore in detail the differences between two such frameworks: ReactJS vs. NextJS.

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Understanding ReactJS vs NextJS
  • Difference Between ReactJS vs Next.JS
  • Detailed Comparison Between ReactJS vs NextJS
  • Advantages of Next.js
  • Advantages of ReactJS
  • Conclusions


Comparing ReactJS vs NextJS will help you navigate easily through JavaScript. React is a JavaScript frontend package used for creating dynamic user interfaces and UI components. NextJS is an extension for React that helps improve its server-side rendering, automated code splitting, and easier routing. NextJS is perfect for large and scalable apps since it is easy to set up for SSR and is geared for production.

Each ReactJS and NextJS has a unique set of benefits suited to certain facets of web development. React provides the fundamental building blocks that are required for web development, making it the foundation for creating dynamic user interfaces. Despite its strength, React needs more setup to get comparable functionality without Next.js’s built-in features. A detailed comparison of NextJS vs React is provided in this post.

Understanding ReactJS vs NextJS

ReactJS is a JavaScript library that primarily focuses on building user interfaces, particularly single-page applications (SPAs). The technology stack allows developers to create reusable components, but for routing or server-side rendering (SSR), you need additional libraries. It’s ideal for creating dynamic and interactive UIs but requires client-side rendering, which can impact SEO.

NextJS, on the other hand, is a framework built on top of the ReactJS. It includes built-in features like SSR and static site generation (SSG), making it better for SEO and performance. NextJS simplifies routing and is more suited for larger, scalable applications.

Difference Between ReactJS vs Next.JS

Here’s a tabular overview to compare React and NextJS, laying the groundwork for our in-depth analysis before we delve into a detailed examination.

Feature ReactJS NextJS
Type Library for building UI components A full-fledged framework built on top of ReactJS
Rendering Client-side rendering (CSR) Server-side rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG) built-in
Routing Requires external libraries like React Router Built-in file-based routing system
SEO Limited SEO due to client-side rendering Better SEO with SSR and SSG for faster load times and crawlability
Performance May require additional optimizations for large apps Built-in performance optimizations with SSR and SSG
Data Fetching Client-side only, requires libraries like Axios or Fetch API Built-in data fetching methods like getStaticProps, getServerSideProps
API Routes Not included; need external solutions like Express or Axios for API handling Built-in API route support to create backend APIs without external libraries
Static Site Generation (SSG) Not supported out of the box, needs extra setup Natively supports static site generation for better performance and SEO
Community & Ecosystem Large, with many third-party libraries and tools available Growing, but still smaller compared to ReactJS; NextJS is supported by Vercel
Configuration More setup is required for things like routing, SSR, etc. Minimal configuration with most features pre-built
Learning Curve Easier for those with JavaScript experience Slightly steeper due to advanced features like SSR, SSG, and API routes
Use Cases Ideal for SPAs and highly interactive UIs Best for large, scalable apps with SSR, SSG, and SEO needs
API Integration Can integrate with any backend API Built-in API routes make creating and managing serverless functions easier
Development Speed Can be slower due to needing external libraries for routing, SSR, etc. Faster with built-in features and less configuration required

Detailed Comparison Between ReactJS vs NextJS

Consequently, you will benefit from code-splitting and automated server rendering if you use Next.js for your project, which will improve development performance. Moreover, SSR contributes significantly to improved app speed. However, there are a few topics that are not allowed to be discussed when discussing React. It only allows for client-side illustration, which is insufficient for developing high-performance applications.

Speed And Efficiency

When it comes to NextJS vs ReactJS performance, Next.js is superior to React alone, as it offers additional optimizations that improve the functionality of web apps. Next.js can provide websites with a lot of content a faster initial page load time and improved perceived speed, thanks to its built-in features that enable server-side rendering (SSR). In contrast, ReactJS takes a step back due to its lack of efficiency in server-side rendering.

Respond Independently

It primarily focuses on client-side rendering, in which the majority of rendering is completed on the client’s browser with very little original HTML. Furthermore, Next.js automatically carries out code splitting, dividing the JS code into smaller sections that load only when needed. Because just the essential code is loaded, this automatically speeds up the loading of the first page. Nextjs’s built-in capability for static site generation—in which the HTML pages are produced at build time—is another important aspect of its efficiency. Because the pre-rendered HTML may be supplied straight from a CDN without JS execution, this results in faster page loads. React employs client-side navigation, which speeds up future page transitions by rendering just the elements that are required again. Nextjs provides additional freedom in selecting the best navigation technique for your application by supporting both the client and server sides.


Both Next.js and React may be optimized for search engines in terms of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). On the other hand, Next.js comes with a few built-in benefits that facilitate getting results. This is an explanation of how it functions in NextJS and React.

Because of its server-side rendering capabilities, Next.js offers robust support for SEO right out of the box. To guarantee that search engineers comprehend and index the material, the framework may use it to create and provide fully rendered HTML pages for search engine crawlers (this is vital to boosting the relevancy of domains in search engine results).

Although it lacks server-side rendering features by default, React may nevertheless produce effective SEO results. Isomomorphic rendering, also referred to as hybrid rendering, is a popular technique in which certain pages or components only get server-side rendering. With this, you may create server-rendered HMTL for any sites or content that requires increased search engine exposure.


Although they manage routers in React apps, Router Next.js and React Router serve separate functions and have unique characteristics. With Next.js, you don’t need to utilize any extra libraries, such as React router, because it has a built-in routing solution. Because Next.js supports both server-side and client-side routing, you may manage routing logic on the client or server. Additionally, the framework allows for dynamic routing, which makes it possible to create dynamic URLs with attributes.

Because Next.JS’s routing functionalities are deeply ingrained in the framework, handling routing within a Next.js application is a pleasant experience. Conversely, React Router is a stand-alone module made especially to manage routing in Rect apps. Although it’s not as comprehensive as NextJS, this routing system is nevertheless strong and adaptable. It includes components and functionality that are appropriate for various contexts, along with a declarative approach to routing.

React Router also lets you manage navigation, construct routes, and pass argument URLs. Additionally, it allows server-side rendering using StaticRouter or Browser Router components as well as client-side routings using browser histories. Nestled routes, guarding, URL parameter parsing, and route are further features that React Router offers, giving React developers complete control over the routing behavior of the application.


React and Typescript NextJS may both be utilized with TypeScript. This is the difference between them in terms of TypeScript incorporation. NextJS with Typescript. Out-of-the-box, Next.js offers great support for TypeScript. Because of its integrated TypeScript support, you can create Next.js apps using TypeScript right out of the box. In addition, the framework provides TypeScript types for server-side rendering (SSR), its API routes, and other features that are special to Next.js and facilitate the development of type-safe Next.js applications.
You may construct TypeScript-based websites, API routes, and components by combining Next.js with TypeScript. It is possible to use JSX/TSX syntax and specify types for accessories, states, and other things within your Next.js components since Next.js automatically detects file extensions .tsx and.ts.

TypeScript is well-supported by React, which also offers type definitions for its main libraries. You may specify types that represent your elements, props, state, and other types of entities when utilizing React with TypeScript. This helps catch type problems during development and enhances code and maintainability. Better tooling, including autocompletion and static analysis, is available in your React applications with TypeScript, enabling you to enforce type safety. After everything is set up, you can use TypeScript syntax to write React components, specify prop types with interfaces or types, and take advantage of TypeScript’s extra type checking and information.


React and NextJS are both quite popular in the developer community. They are different in terms of appeal, though. React has become incredibly popular and is currently, by far, the most widely used front-end framework/library, according to Github. In comparison to most frameworks and libraries, it is also more “wanted.” The library’s extensive adoption by well-known businesses like Instagram, Airbnb, and Netflix has added to its broad appeal. Although NextJS has been increasingly popular in recent years and has even been dubbed “React’s killer” by some developers, statistics indicate that React is still a long way from being obsolete. The explanation is straightforward: it can be integrated with a vast array of different technologies due to its many capabilities and flexibility.


When distinguishing the web documentation for Next.js and React, one may find extensive resources for both frameworks. For developers, Next’s well-documented website is a great resource. Installation, setup, routing, data fetching, style, and other subjects are covered. It also offers comprehensive descriptions, code samples, and usage guides for every NextJS functionality and API.

The NextJS documentation offers lessons and instructions to help users grasp how to create particular kinds of apps or put common features into practice. In the web development world, React is regarded as having some of the best documentation. Everything a developer needs to know to master React is covered, from fundamentals to more complex subjects. The documentation not only offers concise explanations and coding samples but also interactive workshops that let developers explore and learn more about React’s principles and APIs.

Advantages of Next.js

Selecting the appropriate tools and frameworks in the dynamic world of web development is essential to creating reliable and effective apps. React has long held a leading position in the realm of JavaScript libraries, but Next.js offers developers a strong substitute. Let us explore the perks Next.js has to offer.

  • Quicker Growth: This saves you time by enabling you to quickly get customer reviews or comments and make the necessary adjustments.
  • Improved User Experience: With Next.js, you can design a front-end that meets your needs and advances your business objectives. It provides a wonderful and distinctive user experience.
  • SEO-Friendly: Static webpages can easily be created with less time and more efficiently with Next.js, which helps in enhancing your SEO. As a result, it gives your website a greater likelihood to appear on search engine results pages.
  • Faster Rendering: Any changes you make will be visible to you when you refresh the page.
  • Integrated CSS: For quicker rendering, you may import CSS styles into Next.js from a JavaScript file.
  • Image Enhancement: WebP is the optimal format, and images are delivered in it while being scaled accordingly. To accommodate the smaller viewports, theses images are automatically resized.

Advantages of ReactJS

An open-source JavaScript package called React JS assists programmers in creating web application user interfaces. React, created and operated by Facebook, has completely changed the way online apps are designed and developed. Let us have a look at its benefits.

  • Development With Ease: As React developers are familiar with JavaScript, they need very little coding to create dynamic apps.
  • Community of Developers: There is a large development community for React. As a result, they offer assistance and materials for learning quickly.
  • React Elements: React elements can help enable you to load several pages while maintaining their properties. Once the component code has been modified, those modifications will be visible on every page.
  • Personalization: It has a set of functionality that may be increased with the help of other programs like Redux.


Ultimately, the decision between ReactJS or NextJS depends on your goals and the particulars of your project. Thus, we may conclude that regardless of the level of acceptance, effectiveness, record-keeping, and more. The best technological stack is determined only by your unique use cases. React is a good choice if you’re searching for a straightforward application with little complexity. However, Next.js might be an excellent option if you want a sophisticated app with plenty of features.

If you are a business and are unsure if Next.js or React is the better option for your upcoming web app development project. Select the best solution for your company to optimize its effectiveness. Our skilled hiring staff will make sure that all of your requirements—including cultural fit and any other preferences you may have—are checked off. Make sure everything is clear and schedule a consultation!



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