
Vue.js remains one of the most used front-end JavaScript frameworks in 2024 because of its flexibility, simplicity, and high performance. They picked Vue.js for its compatibility, progressive enhancement characteristics, and simple on-ramp, placing it as a serious contender against React and Angular. Ever expanding and in high demand, more and more big players in the market use Vue.js for creating highly interactive web applications. In this blog, we are going to discuss why use Vue js in your projects, the advantages that it has, and instances when it might not be ideal.

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Vue.js Statistics And Market Share
  • Features of Vue.js
  • Why Use Vue JS in 2024?
  • Understanding Vue.js App Structure
  • Types of Web Apps You Can Build Using Vue.js
  • When Not To Use Vue.js?
  • Companies Using Vue.js
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


Do you know that 74% of businesses believe in the selection of the right framework? It is critical in the era of digital transformation.

But in today’s world having a well-built javascript framework can greatly assist. VueJS being one of the progressive JavaScript frameworks is transforming like how contemporary enterprises are building web applications.

Wondering why use Vue JS for your modern web development?

The amazing benefits of Vue.js range from easier development processes to improved user experiences. This will ultimately help change your business. So then, this blog will discuss why VueJS is the best framework for modern business.

This offers flexibility, simplicity, and remarkably good performance that made VueJS the primary option for developers. Thus, if you’re interested in becoming better at developing websites and applications, prepare yourself and enter the VueJS environment.

Vue.js Statistics And Market Share

VueJS – a progressive JavaScript framework is mainly used for handling interactive web user interfaces, intents, and single-page applications. Recently it has become favored by developers due to its universality and simplicity.

With the latest web technologies, it provides fast and flexible rendering, lower development costs, and an excellent ecosystem. This makes it the ideal framework for today’s business organizations. Due to this, It intends to achieve improved development processes and exceptional user experiences.

Now coming to market share, Vue.js is one of the most used front-end development frameworks. If we go in terms of Github Stars count, it has left behind both React and Angular with 208k stars for itself. Although Vue.js is not as popular as the first seven, it is ranked the eighth most popular among developers with 16.6% votes in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2024.

According to SimilarTech, there are a total of 299,088 websites active with vue.js out of which 193,936 have unique domains. These statistics illustrate how much popularity Vue.js has on its hands. It is not just in one country or place but even globally amongst the international development teams.

Even though Evan performed a little experiment, Vue has expanded a lot since that time. Currently, there are huge sponsors, donors, and supporters for Vue. Many reasons go hand-in-hand with this popularity such as its feature of integrating into large production systems for front-end development. Amongst the other benefits of Vue.js is its extraordinary capacity to produce stable and reliable applications without the necessity of reinforcement with extra libraries and plugins.

Features of Vue.js

HTML can be engaged with HTML characteristics known as the directives which are liable for the HTML apps. And then appear either as a tailored directive or an intrinsic directive. Vue.js possesses many features that make it simpler for product owners to arrive at a UI ecosphere and that answers your quest of why use Vue js:

Vue Js Features

1. Virtual DOM

Vue.js utilizes virtual DOM. This is precisely what Virtual DOM is – the duplicate of the main DOM element captures each alteration made to the DOM and exists in the guise of JS objects. The modified JavaScript data structures are then compared with the values of the original data structure. Very few changes will be as a result of modifications appearing in the real DOM and what viewers will get to see. It is also an innovative tactic and since the changes can be easily made, it’s economical as well.

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2. Data Binding

This feature assists in either setting values to the HTML attributes, modifying them, or setting them to a certain style. The other one is setting and adding classes using a binding directive known as v-bind. This is mainly supported under the VueJS CSS Transitions and Animations.

This feature gives several ways to apply a transition on HTML elements when they are inserted, changed, or removed into the DOM. It has a team transition component that wraps up the element responsible for returning the transition effect. Fortunately, developers were able to easily integrate third-party animation libraries and expand the variation of the perceived user experience.

3. Template

It provides HTML-based templates that map the DOM to the Vue.js instance data. It accumulates the templates into virtual DOM Render functions. The web designer can use the template of the render functions, and then they can replace a template with the render function.

4. Computed Properties

Vue.js comes with computed properties as one of the leading features. It is useful to listen for changes to the UI elements and act out the necessary logic so one does not need to code for this again. Use a computed property when we wish to work on mutating a property that is reliant on another property being changed. As a result, computed properties are entirely based mostly on other data properties.

The extent to which the dependent properties can be altered will also cause the computation of the computed property. As for computed properties, changes are made to properties that depend on computation. This is to store them and then refresh them only if any of the dependencies are changed.

5. Watchers

Applying watchers is done on the data that will be mostly in the form of change. Specifically, form input elements, Input Element, aniu, draw, etc. Here a developer does not have to perform any other events. Watcher takes care of handling any data changes and makes the code simple and fast. Vue.js also offers three ways to engage the reactivity of components.

There are Methods, Computed Properties, and Watchers. Use the watcher when one desires to execute some logic as a result of a change that occurred in a certain data property. This is most useful when you want to do an asynchronous or expensive operation in response to changing data.

6. Methods

Methods on the other hand are used when we want to change a component’s state or when an event has happened in one way or the other. This has not impacted the data that is being altered. Methods can have arguments but do not have documents on any dependencies, this causes some disparity within the component. Methods will be called now and then especially or rather each time when the component is being reloaded.

7. Zero Complexity

Vue.js has a relatively simple API and the design of Vue.js is also simple. A web developer can then create straightforward applications in one day.

8. Flexibility and Modularity

It is the flexible, modular replacement for it. And if you are among those who do not find it interesting to code every part of the app’s UI. After that, you can use the Vue.js web-pack template because it does not limit access to most of its additional features. These include hot module reloading, CSS extraction, linting, etc. Moreover, vue.js is flexible to add any third-party package.

Why Use Vue JS in 2024?

Now you may be wondering why use Vue.js. The answer to this is quite clear when applied in practice, the Vue.js framework is progressive. Other than that it is fairly flexible and it stands on the MVVM model. Vue also offers detailed documentation. It is also possible to have transition effects in several ways.

Also, it has a great environment with good utilities such as Vuex if you’re working on state management or the Vue Route which is perfect for single-page applications. Most importantly, the construction of this framework is even simpler. It helps un-complicate the learning process with Vue making it easier for users to find and correct coding errors.

In addition, Vue utilizes MVVM design, which greatly enhances the work with the UI since the methodology of user interface event-driven programming is much easier. Vue is mostly focused on the ViewModel layer of the MVVM architectural design. This separates the interface from the application. Therefore, when the UI gets old for instance, programmers do not have to wait to redesign the app and integrate a new design in its entirety. They have already got the new template.

But certainly, there are also some disadvantages to using Vue. The number of these disadvantages can be several. But still, in most of the situations, Vue can be your best choice.

Understanding Vue.js App Structure

To fully realize what Vue.js is used for precisely, getting to know its structure is equally indispensable. Vue.js is used to build applications based on reusable components by default. Such components are modular to facilitate the organization and scaling up of the application.

Key Elements of Vue.js App Structure:

  • Main.js: This file creates and launches the Vue application and the string mounts it to the HTML document.
  • Components: Vue.js centers on components whereby a given UI item is constructed from a well-defined code unit.
  • Vuex: Vuex is a feature of Vue.js applications to handle the data or state of a complex large application with more comfort.
  • Routing: Vue Router is used when moving from one page or view to another within an app.

Knowing the app structure answers, what is Vue.js used for, and the primary use of Vue.js is for developing flexible and scalable Web Applications.

Types of Web Apps You Can Build Using Vue.js

That is what makes Vue.js different from other frameworks; the platform is incredibly versatile and can be used for different types of web applications. Here are some Vue Js Use Cases:

Vue JS Use Cases

1. Standalone Script​

It is very surprising but still, you can use Vue as a standalone script file – no build step is necessary. If you have a backend framework already rendering most of the HTML or your frontend logic. Then it is enough to warrant a build step. Vue integration is a breeze with this method. Vue in a way can be seen as a more declarative alternative to jQuery in such cases.

2. Embedded Web Components​

Vue can be used to develop simple Web Components, which can be used on any Web page, no matter how it is drawn. This option allows you to leverage Vue in a completely consumer-agnostic fashion. These web components can be used to augment current business systems, standard HTML, or systems developed with another web framework.

3. Single Page Application Architecture (SPA)

Certain applications need heavy interaction, long sessions, and some frontend-oriented stateful logic. The best way to build such an application is to provide an architecture where Vue is in charge of the whole page and its data. This can change it and manage the page’s navigation without needing to refresh the page. Such an application is commonly called a Single-Page Application (SPA).

4. Fullstack / SSR​

The issue with pure client-side SPAs is in cases where the app is sensitive to SEO and time to content. This is because the browser will be left waiting for a mostly blank HTML page, and then has to wait again for the JavaScript to download before it even begins to render the page.

Vue is designed to expose great APIs to “render” a Vue app into an HTML string on the server side, which is especially beneficial for HTML developers. For its part, it lets the server return pre-rendered HTML, enabling the end user to view the content at the same time that the application is downloading the JavaScript.

Vue will then “hydrate” the application on the client side to make it interactive.” This is called Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and it tremendously helps to enhance most Core Web Vital parameters, including LCP.

When Not To Use Vue.js?

By now you know why use Vue Js owing to its features and advantages. However, there are scenarios, when Vue Js might not be a good fit. Check out when not to use VueJs and why.

1. Language-Specific

Vue.js was developed in China, and, as a result, it enjoys the most usage there. Hence, some significant publications, reports, and even educational brochures exist only in the Chinese language, and much gets altered in the translation. This hasn’t stopped Vue.js enthusiasts, though.

2. Focus on Small-Scale Projects

The community around Vue.js cannot speak of available adaptations to large-scale projects. It does not provide predictable support, or support for handling of concerns as they emerge. This is a major disadvantage, especially about this support which would be vital for large firms.

3. Lack of Experience

This framework entered the market more recently than the majority of its competitors have. Initially, it was not launched with great acceptance by the developer community. It did not take a definite space in the industry at first. Therefore, it is still not very popular among software engineers and the sphere often lacks appropriate experienced developers.

4. Community and Updates

In comparison with these, as per the relatively new framework, it has not been able to develop the kind of community behind it. Moreover, such updates that are periodically launched, imply that the inexperienced programmers. Whereas, experienced Vuejs specialists require constant retraining and studying of new functions, even if these functions are optional.

Companies Using Vue.js

Vue.js has been adopted by several big companies around the world. Here’s a list of notable names:

  • Alibaba: The eCommerce giant employs Vue.js to implement UI interactions in some of the sections of the website it owns.
  • Xiaomi: It also employs Vue.js in products that constitute its online ecosystem to improve the level of user engagement.
  • Grammarly: This writing assistant tool, of course, provides additional functionalities for the web interface with the help of Vue.js.
  • Nintendo: On its online divisions, Nintendo currently employs Vue.js – this is a hint of how diverse the framework is in industries today.

These examples explain that using Vue.js is applied for and demonstrates its popularity across various fields, which strengthens why to choose Vue.js for frontend web development.


Looking at the future up to the year 2024, Vue.js is still one of the most widely used JavaScript frameworks with a simple, scalable, and flexible approach. There are numerous good reasons to why use Vue.js with its blooming environment, great performance, and versatile applications. Currently, many businesses, whether large sophisticated organizations, small startup enterprises, and even tech colossal, are shifting more and more towards using Vue.js. They want to develop applications for the web that are faster and more efficient. If you too want to build such a successful app, hire VueJs developers from us and win the game.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter if you are developing a simple application with only one page or a sophisticated platform, the benefits of Vue.js are visible. This is due to its simplicity, effectiveness, and increasing support among developers and merchants. Nevertheless, the same must be said about every framework — it is crucial to assess the potential of this tool for your particular project and its potential drawbacks.


Vue.js is used for the development of animated, responsive, and dynamic client-side applications, Single-Page Applications, business, and real-time apps.

Vue.js has easier readability, and flexibility along with lower complexity and outperforms Angular when it comes to scalability in small as well as big projects.

Vue.js is well suited for projects where a flexible and high-performance frame can be used with ease of integration.

The major benefits of Vue.js are easy integration, good performance, good scalability, and strong receptiveness. These are the modern approaches to JS development, including TypeScript.



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