Struggling hard to increase website traffic?

I must say you have tried a lot, right?

But why does the website traffic numbers don’t budge up?

Let us get a clear view on this.

In this article, I have figured out the most beneficiary ways to achieve maximum website traffic.

Let us walk through the entire process one that you can implement for your website right and enjoy its benefits.

Simply follow the proven methods to establish a correct strategy with remarkable content such that you will see exponential growth in your traffic numbers.

I am happy to help you to increase your website presence with organic SEO and social media marketing.

Website Traffic Increase

Best Tips to Increase Website Traffic

Facebook Remarketing

It serves a great marketing tool for business in any industry of the type B2B industry and B2C industry as well. The name itself refers to the ‘Custom Audiences’. It works similar to Google Ads but rather than showing it within the display network your ads are visible on Facebook.

You can do this by installing a “Facebook tracking pixel” on your website. Once you have done with it, you can set up specific audiences with filters based on pages they’ve visited.

For example, if you use Facebook ads to target people searching for sneakers, then you can easily target audience who have visited pages with the keyword “sneakers” in the URL.

Build an email list

Using emails for cost-effective promotion and personalized approach is always a good idea. But there is an amazing option called newsletter to send promotional offers, and updates about the company service and information of the products.

There are a number of free and paid newsletter tools to hiking your online business. A drip is a great tool which comes almost free and also easy to set up.

For example, explores the psychology of marketing and the art of great copywriting. They are in the business of helping people write effective business email campaigns.

Create a Blog

Blogging is the best option to keep users engaged regularly to your website and improve site visibility. So far, it has proven to be the most trusted way to provide your visitors with the ultimate from your website. Now, if you are skilled enough in writing good content and publishing 10 posts per week, you can achieve results in big numbers.

For example, if the number of posts increases from 2 blogs to 10 blogs per week there can be a sustainable rise in the monthly visitors because audience who have read your blog once increases the chances of them to visit your website for reading your other blogs. And, with the increase in a number of blog shares will automatically increase the number of visitors to your website.

Twitter Remarketing

Similar to Facebook, Twitter is also an effective tool to drive considerable traffic to your site. The main difference is that Twitter will require you to build a network.

Thanks to the latest developments in Twitter ads, you can now use promoted tweets and Twitter cards to remarket only to the users who have visited your website. Remarketing to them makes sense because they are more likely to convert.

For example, if you send unique and personalized messages, that it might create an emotional attachment with the people and can convert them from visitors to customers.

Effective Content marketing strategy

Content marketing strategy offers real solutions to increase website traffic because without it everything is a waste of time. A good content marketing strategy consists of various content types such as Podcast, Infographics, Blogs, eBooks, Videos and so on.

Before writing content, think of the content elements which includes the primary goal of your brand, posting frequency, target audience, and content amplification.

For example, any small business will require a content marketing strategy or they will be lost in the crowd.

Optimize Website for SEO

Spend enough time to analyze the website optimization results and perform an SEO audit. Adopt various tools and techniques to reach high in SEO rankings among different search engines. Ranking high than your competitors in Google is a must.

So if you are not familiar with the SEO tips and tricks, then it will probably incur you with a loss in on clicks and on sales.

For example, Software like SEMrush can give you a complete SEO audit and show you what you should fix.

Dominate with Quora

Quora is a great way of distributing your content and indeed a better way to drive audiences in the large category. It aims to be the easiest place to write new content and share them across the web.

Make a new Quora account with complete bio details. Choose from the thousands of categories to answer the best questions in the world, which will later link to your blog or website.

For example, unlike most other social media, a viral Quora answer can generate steady traffic to your website for a year or more.

Have Industry Partners

Establish a working relationship with your industry partners which will give a boost in optimization your promotional campaigns.

You can probably sign up as a free partner and then they can feature you in the partner section. This will allow you write up on your firm consequently getting leads from their site to welcome more traffic.

For example, a small business website can partner with Unbounce which helps to create better landing pages for each marketing strategy you wish to perform.

Closing Note

The above discussed are some of the best options to increase the website traffic. You can freely adopt the ones for your website to maximize your outreach.

Most of the methods are proven ones from the list. Do let me know in case of queries in the comment section below.

It was all for today. I will be right back with some more stuff like this.

Thanks for reading. ☺



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