
Laravel has always proved to be one of the best PHP frameworks in terms of convenience, function improvements, and effectiveness. As the demand for web development services has expanded, Laravel has garnered more usage and market share popularity. Even in the year 2024, it remains equally significant for startups as well as enterprises. This piece focuses on Laravel Usage Statistics & figures in terms of usage, popularity among developers, and likely trajectory for the next year. We will investigate data from BuiltWith and StackOverflow as well as the current results of the Annual State of Laravel 2024 Survey.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Laravel Market Share
  • Laravel Usage Statistics 2024
  • Laravel Developers Salaries
  • Laravel Demographic Statistics
  • Top Traffic Sources of
  • Website Statistics Using Laravel
  • Other Laravel Usage Statistics 2024
  • Conclusion
  • FAQ


Laravel’s framework has been a key element in the digital development landscape for more than ten years. It demonstrates no sign of slowing. In 2011 when Taylor Otwell introduced the framework he crucially addressed a significant void in the PHP landscape. At present, it supplies developers with a remarkable synergy of simplicity and scalability. This in-depth study will examine statistics on Laravel’s usage statistics in the market along with the market share for 2024 and the positioning of Laravel within today’s web frameworks. We will evaluate its significance for different kinds of firms including emerging companies and large conglomerates.

Laravel Market Share

The increasing application of the framework demonstrates its dependability and adaptability and attracts various companies and developers. According to the Laravel usage statistics in 2024 report, the framework is widely embraced in startup and enterprises as it is flexible and very easy to use. The Laravel development market share has been expanding since 2022, with Laravel being preferred for creating complex and high-performance applications.

StackOverflow Developer Survey 2024

Annually, StackOverflow presents a thorough survey about the most used tools and languages among developers globally. According to the 2024 StackOverflow Developer Survey Laravel ranks among the leading PHP frameworks. A rising number of developers favor Laravel over rival frameworks like Symfony or CodeIgniter based on its clear design and versatile framework.

Laravel Usage Statistics

Laravel attracts a growing number of new developers and freelancers thanks to its simple learning curriculum and diverse applications. Laravel usage statistics remain a testimony to this result showing a progressive increase of the framework in web development since its uptake by more businesses as a scalable solution. New data on Laravel development statistics shows an increased usage rate of the framework for building business applications.

  • Why is Laravel preferred? Determining elements which include the templating engine along with routing support. Recent Laravel statistics for 2024 indicate that Laravel dominates the PHP framework market even further, having a higher adoption across various industries including e-commerce and healthcare.
  • Survey numbers: According to the StackOverflow survey more than half of developers using PHP opt for Laravel as their main framework for web development.

BuiltWith Data

A quantified perspective on Laravel’s market share is available from BuiltWith through its in-depth study of the websites that adopt it. Laravel supports more than 1.5 million websites around the world. The sites included in this statistic go from small business sites to extensive enterprise solutions. Laravel extension is prevalent in nations such as the U.S., India, and Brazil according to BuiltWith’s findings.

  • Geographical distribution: Approximately 32% of Laravel websites are from the U.S., joined by 17% from India and 9% from Brazil. Adoption levels in Southeast Asia have surged in the last few years.

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Laravel Usage Statistics 2024

Laravel’s adaptability along with the escalating demand for scalable frameworks has contributed to an upward trend in its market share this year. A marked rise in Laravel’s market share in web development is attributed to startups preferring fast prototyping and large firms needing complex scalability.

Laravel Market Share

As web development showcases increased complexity Laravel’s power to clarify these issues has increased its market share significantly. The Annual State of Laravel 2024 Survey reveals that Laravel is still on an upward trajectory in terms of popularity among relatively young developers, and new organizations.

  • Usage by companies: About 40% of startups operating in tech and digital fields opted for Laravel. They chose Laravel because of its modern tools and swift development process.
  • Comparison with competitors: Developers favor Laravel significantly more than popular frameworks like Symfony or CodeIgniter in various sectors. Laravel’s dynamic ecosystem makes it more attractive thanks to technology such as Vapor Forge and Horizon.

Laravel Download Statistics

In 2024, Laravel’s download count exceeded 50 million. This ongoing increase demonstrates how widely Laravel is accepted and utilized by developers and big corporations.

  • Download growth rate: Laravel sees download statistics increasing by 15-20% per year which reveals ongoing interest from developers new and familiar.

Laravel Preference by MNCs and Enterprises

Laravel fascinates a diverse audience which includes large enterprises alongside smaller projects. Organizations in different sectors have started to use Laravel for complicated apps that receive a lot of traffic. Boutique and multinational organizations depend on Laravel to create web solutions for managing significant traffic and data volume.

Laravel’s market share has grown even more in 2024, with the framework being used to develop high-traffic and complicated enterprise applications by large enterprises and MNCs. Laravel for enterprise applications is a growing trend, and serverless architecture is among the key Laravel trends for 2024, thanks to the way Laravel Vapor continues to unlock it.

  • Why do MNCs choose Laravel? The scalability of Laravel helps organizations design apps that can adjust to their needs as they develop. Furthermore, its robust community support and regular updates keep Laravel leading the advancements of current technology. These trends include serverless systems and microservices.

Laravel Revenue Statistics

Although Laravel is freely available as a framework it has spurred an environment of services and tools which produce large profits. Organizations that provide Laravel consulting services and laravel development services enrich an industry that is valued at billions.

  • Laravel Development Market Share: In the PHP ecosystem Laravel supports and products are crucial as they draw interest from enterprises that need specific services.

By focusing only on Laravel as a skill-set freelancers capitalize on this trend and often secure significant project fees in the evolving Laravel industry. Due to these freelancers, Laravel development statistics are through the roof. Based on the current Laravel usage statistics, there are now more than 1.5 million websites using Laravel and it is considered one of the best PHP frameworks.

Laravel Developer Salaries

In 2024, Laravel developer salaries surged due to the strong requirement for experienced developers. When taking a look at the Laravel usage statistics it is clear that it is constantly growing due to the need for new effective, secure, and scalable, web applications in 2024. According to recent market surveys:

Employed developers at this stage typically take home incomes between $55.000 and $70.000 per year.

Those middle-level developers who have been working for 3 to 5 years may earn between $75 thousand and $100 thousand.

With more than five years of experience in Laravel development specialists can achieve income levels surpassing $120000 mostly found in areas like San Francisco and London.

Laravel Demographic Statistics

The number of users on Laravel is growing worldwide as developers from all continents play a part in its success. Laravel draws its largest number of users from the U.S., India, and Europe. Most developers are aged 25 to 35 most of the time which shows how appealing Laravel is for younger developers. Due to the Laravel usage statistics, this framework is being considered one of the best for developers who search for a tool that is not too complicated but still has many outstanding features.

  • Global spread: According to the Annual State of Laravel 2024 Survey, it appears that Southeast Asia has been seeing an uptick in Laravel use particularly in countries like the Philippines and Malaysia. According to the 2024 Laravel usage statistics, the framework has indeed gained popularity in more world regions including the U.S., India, and Southeast Asia.

Top Traffic Sources of

A significant amount of traffic reaches as developers seek help with tutorials and collaboration resources. Laravel’s market share and web usage remained fairly consistent and saw a trend of increased usage whereby many new websites will be created using this framework. Here are the top sources:

  • Organic search: A large portion of traffic stems from this because many developers pursue Laravel-related tutorials and advice.
  • Direct traffic: A considerable number of visitors arrive directly on the site and often return to check for posts or community conversations.
  • Referrals: A substantial number of visitors come from popular developer forums and tech blogs to the Laravel site.

Website Statistics Using Laravel

Recent Laravel statistics for 2024 indicate that Laravel dominates the PHP framework market even further, having a higher adoption across various industries including e-commerce and healthcare. By the end of 2024, there were more than 1.5 million websites created with Laravel. This includes a broad range of sectors, such as:

  • 1. Sites for shopping that emphasize customization and scalability.
  • 2. Healthcare solutions need to protect data safely for compliance requirements.
  • 3. In financial technology apps, landscape security and dependability hold great importance.

Other Laravel Usage Statistics 2024

In addition to its market share and web usage growth, other Laravel statistics indicate an upward trend in 2024:

  • Laravel Trends: The framework continues to dominate in the creation of comprehensive platforms and microservice frameworks.
  • Annual State of Laravel 2024 Survey: More than 60% of those who answered the survey chose Laravel for future projects due to its supportive tools and easy-to-use syntax. The Laravel future looks promising, with its usage observed in current years across various sectors such as eCommerce, healthcare, and fintech.


In the PHP framework community, Laravel has established a significant role. The prospects for Laravel shine brightly with its growing share of the market. The growing support from major corporations is continuously improving developer compensation. Both businesses and start-ups gain access to vital tools that enhance scalability and promote community support for top-notch web applications.

You should now take the opportunity to find out how Laravel can assist in your next initiative. Discover the newest data on Laravel usage statistics for 2024! Examine the patterns and understandings or hire laravel developers from Glorywebs for guidance on applying this data to your work.


Laravel has an extensive market share as over 1.5 million websites use Laravel internationally, as per the Laravel usage statistics.

Laravel comes with built-in security features, such as protection against SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and cross-site request forgery, ensuring your business applications are secure from common vulnerabilities.

Laravel has very extensive usage in different fields including e-commerce, healthcare, and fintech where applications’ performance is critical.

Laravel includes features like route caching, query optimization, and built-in support for caching systems that help improve application performance and speed, ensuring a better user experience.



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