
Choosing a right blog topic with very fresh content has the ability to generate leads. The second reason is that your readers will quickly recognize how passionate are you to ensure they get the correct information on-the-go.

Obviously, it is wise to write on a topic when it’s on the peak in the readers’ list, rather than when it’s on the decline.

Being a blogger, I always kept wondering about the right topics to gain maximum traffic and this made me write this post. Of course I keep in mind the majority of the global audience and as a result, I don’t need a topic on which everyone is searching but a topic in which a small percentage of people have an active interest.

Yes, today I am here to share my thoughts on how to choose a blog topic you begin writing.

So, let us discuss.

Table of Content

  • How Does Search Engine Works?
  • What are the key elements of Right Topic?
  • How to find the best blog topics?
  • What is an SEO Content Strategy and Techniques?
  • 9 Steps to Create a Top SEO Content Strategy
  • Tips to Maximize Your Reach across Search Engines
  • Wrapping Up

How Does Search Engine Works?

To a search engine, ranking high means to put right words in the content to record organic traffic.

In simple language, if a person does an online search, the search engine runs a complex algorithm through billions of documents to find mainly two things:

  • Relevant content to searcher’s query
  • Serves content in accord with the popularity of website

Understanding in detail, search engine mainly undergoes 3 phase of Crawling, Indexing and The Algorithm to know which specific websites should be ranked high.

  • Web Crawling – Essentially, crawling is copying what is on web pages and repeatedly checking the multitude of pages to see if they are changed and make a copy of any changes found.
  • Indexing – The directory stores multiple web pages in Google data centers in an organized manner. It is termed as indexing.
  • Algorithm – It is the complex equation to calculate the value of the site in relation to the search term. Search engines tend to keep it closely guarded against people looking to game the search.

To sum up, if your content and topic satisfy with the needs, I can definitely say that it would bring the profitable audience to your blog and improve SEO rankings.

What are the key elements of Right Topic?

Right blog topic is the first step before you begin to write on something, isn’t it?

At times, you will be flooded with blog topic ideas for a single content.

Pay attention! This is the time you need to strain your brains about which one to choose. The reason is the reader will click on your site only if it matches his query.

In this case, optimize right words that can give justice to the content you are willing to write and most important analyze the keyword’s search volume.

Following all of these steps, cast a right blog topic to maximize relevant traffic.

But before that, let us know Why are blogs Important for SEO.

If there is something that remains constant when it comes to SEO it’s that things are always changing.

However, the basic SEO techniques remain the same: create the best user experience for your target audience, create easy navigation for a better experience, and Google will reward you.

However, the specific SEO strategies for good SEO continue to change with the evolution of technology and behavior.

Still, one technique remains essential for SEO. That is blogging. Below are the seven reasons blogs are important for SEO in 2024 and beyond.

  • Blogs increase brand visibility.
  • Blogs help you rank for relevant keywords.
  • Blogs develop brand awareness and trust.
  • Blogs can boost your crawl rate.
  • Blogs build backlinks.
  • Blogs encourage site discovery.
  • Blogs generate leads and conversions.

How to find the best blog topics?

Being a blogger, you probably might be aware of the “blank page syndrome”. As bloggers, we all experience the moments when the ideas are elusive or the words just don’t flow.

A survey found that bloggers who publish 2-6 blog posts per week are 50% more likely to successfully achieve their goals.

However, what to do if being a blogger, you are struggling with how to find blog topics?

I am here to help you out.

I am going to help you out with the best process one needs to follow in order to find the best blog topics that will increase user engagement, inform your customers, and answer all of their questions.

1. Use Content Tools

There are so many tools that are specially made to help you find content ideas. These tools not only help you find content for social media but also enable you to come up with blog topic ideas.

Below are a few tools you can use:

Search popular blog sites for inspiration using:

  • Neil Patel’s Blog
  • Marie Forleo’s Blog

Search What’s Trending:

  • Google Trends
  • AllTop

Content Marketing:

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • TikTok

Industry News:

  • Geekwire
  • Retail Dive

Ask your Audience:

  • Quora
  • Reddit

Analyze FAQs and Reviews:

  • Glassdoor
  • WhatsApp’s FAQ Page

Use Keyword Research Tools to Identify Content Gaps:

  • Answer the Public
  • Ubersuggest
  • HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator

Collaborate With Other Authors and Creative Writers:

  • Interview With Neil Patel on the Groove Blog

Use Social Media Engagement Tools:

  • Buzzsumo

Write content on the topics you are more passionate about. You can write on topics like entertainment, sports, social justice topics, or opinion pieces.

You can also create guide lists for your users that may bring more engagement to your website.

2. Send out a customer survey

Focus on your target audience. What is your audience looking for? Likely, they are seeking more information about your company’s products/services, your business, or the best use of your offerings.

Therefore, knowing what your audience wants from you is an important part.

But, you cannot read minds, right? So, the best way to get this information is by asking directly from your customers.

You can conduct a customer survey with a short 5-10 questions (generally MCQs) survey to gather feedback directly from your audience. This will help you know what they would like to see from you.

3. Find popular blogs in your industry

Conduct a Google Research for blog topics in your industry and shortlist a few best ones to refer them to in the future.

It is not a good idea to copy other blogs, however, finding topics that are popular on search engines and using their blog model and topic is a great idea.

Analyze several of their blogs to see if some of their blogs are turning great online. Using these, come up with some original topics and a few topics with a different approach to previously covered topics.

4. Do keyword research

There are a few different ways to do keyword research. First, you can use a keyword research tool like You enter your topic and review the results, which is a list of all the different Google searches related to that topic.

Another way to research keywords for blog post topics is by typing your keyword into Google and observing the autofill suggestions in the search bar.

This method allows you to discover actual Google search results, which are the topics that people are actively searching for and seeking answers to. You can use these topics as inspiration for your blog posts to provide the answers people are looking for.

5. Scan online forums

Remember this tip: Check out online forums or communities in your industry to see what questions users are asking, and turn those inquiries into blog post topics.

Once you’ve written several articles, you might even have a blog post already written that answers someone’s question.

This is a great way to get more readers because you can share your blog post in response to their question.

What is an SEO Content Strategy and Techniques?

To be honest, SEO and Content Strategy are both important to get your website content rank on Google.

SEO content strategy is when you write your website’s content with the intent to rank your website high on search engines.

When you plan to promote your business using an SEO content strategy, you need to create high-quality, optimized content so that people can easily find you on search engines and build a strong relationship with your business.

SEO content is an important factor if you want your business to appear on maximum search results and bring more traffic on your site.

When you write your content with SEO Optimization strategies in mind, you focus on creating optimized and relevant content to reach more leads and drive them to your website.

9 Steps to Create a Top SEO Content Strategy

1. Discover Your Target Audience

To begin with, the first step of any content strategy is discovering your target audience and understanding their wants, needs, interests, and pain points.

For this, create buyers’ personas to guide your strategy initially and then continuously refine those personas as you gain more insights about your audience.

2. Conduct Keyword Research and Develop a Topic List

Conduct a thorough keyword research to identify the needs of your target audience. Develop a SEO content strategy based on these keywords and create a list of blog topics.

3. Incorporate Various Content Formats

Analyze the type of content that is currently trending and receiving higher conversion rates such as video, and include that in your SEO content strategy.

Moreover, look at where your target audience spends most of their time and the type of content that attracts them. This will help you know what you should add to your strategy.

Content types to focus on include:

  • Blog posts.
  • Videos.
  • Podcasts.
  • Infographics.
  • eBooks.
  • Interactive content like polls, calculators, quizzes, and more.

4. Fully Optimize Content

Include optimization in all the aspects including content, meta description, and headings. Make sure that these optimizations are always included.

5. Schedule Posts Often

Publish your blogs and other content regularly. Be consistent. To ensure consistency, create a content calendar for your team.

6. Develop a Link Building Strategy

Determine how to include links in your content and on your website. Ensure adding both strong internal and external links, and establish methods to attract backlinks from reputable websites and influencers.

7. Continually Update User Experience and Content

As your strategy moves forward, take time to ensure that your content stays updated over time and that the user experience continues to satisfy users.

8. Track and Measure Results

Track and measure the performance of your content and SEO efforts to know what is working for your website and what needs to be changed.

Create KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to track and accomplish your brand’s goals.

9. Monitor Changes in SEO Best Practices and Search Engine Algorithms

Once you have created and implemented your SEO Content Strategy, make sure to continue monitoring the changes in the search algorithms, SEO news, and best practices.

Tips to Maximize Your Reach across Search Engines

Go Google It!

Before making a decision to write on a particular topic, always Google it!

Yes, I recommend deep research is the best practice. Also to begin writing, you need to understand the potential readers whether they want you to write on it or not. Detailed research will guide you on what others have to say on it.

Finally, you will be clear with an idea to go the topic or choose a better option apart from that.

For example, a page about “NBA Team” might use technology to give information on terms related to National Basketball Team”. But a search engine might skip or not rank that page highly if people are instead searching for “best basketball players”. So, make sure your content is written in the language of the user who is performing the search.

Conduct Keyword Research

In simple words, “Think like your target audience”.

This is because, with well-written posts, the primary keywords often play a key role to bring your readers.

Start by creating a list of words that describe the content of your site and blog posts. After deep analysis of the topic, list finds and note where you have the room for an opportunity. With little revision, you can include these terms in Meta titles and descriptions so that Google can easily trace the information on the page improving SEO benefits. Repeat each word you want to be found for at least five times or seek out a keyword density of 2.45 percent, for best results.

In simple words, website owners or bloggers link to your content i.e. blogs, images, and products. Another benefit of having natural links is that it helps visitors easily crawl your website and increase visibility to help your site rank high.

Essentially, the more links you have, the more likely you will be to rank well when someone searches for keywords related to your website.

Searches For Keywords

For example, the image above shows how the keyword ‘piano teacher’ plays a key role in the target audience. The title of the blog comprises of the keyword which is covered in the Meta description as well.

Survey Your Targeted Audience

Take the time and effort to determine your audience. Your first step is to find the right niche before you begin to write on a topic. Undergo a research on the topics which are in the top interest among the audience and are more likely to be discussed.

Next, you can also segment the audience keeping various categories followed by a list of keyword phrases. Using tool SEMrush you can competitively research those phrases, and pinpoint key topics for development that appeal to your target audience.

For example, if you plan to start an e-commerce website or a fashion portal it’s important to cover the topics with appropriate keywords used by the relevant audience you are writing for.

Use Appropriate SEO Tools

Utilize the tools to know whether your blog content is doing well or you will understand to further optimize your post for the search engine. This will give a detailed analytics report to see how effective it is for SEO purposes and edit accordingly.

By taking time to write content in such manner, will surely bring the right traffic that covers both real people and search engines.

For example, you can use AhrefsSEMrush and SEOprofiler to get high rankings and increase visitors. Using these tools provide SEO solutions from small businesses to large enterprises.

Choose Relevant Content Ideas

To understand content ideas, we need to first think about the topics that are both impactful and relevant. To write a topic, you can prefer any phase of ideation. You can either use the information to create personas that shape your ideas from the very beginning or you can go crazy with the flow of ideas, later narrowing your choices depending on audience information.

To sum up, topics that are targeted to specific persona and content with dig deep information performs well on your website bringing considerable traffic.

For example, a hot favorite topic or a new launch with a unique layout of content creation will create better SEO results and optimize your content.

Pick a Topic with Profitable Niche

Obviously, most of the people write blogs for a living. Before selecting a topic, study the analytics report to understand the audience and choose the best niche. To bring profitable niche, you need better content topics and creative ideas to attract interested readers.

Writing on topics in the area of your interest makes you creative enough to engage a large audience. Furthermore, your enthusiasm will rise through to write on exciting topics with a profitable niche.

For example, a beauty blogger can create a profitable niche with the trending topics to earn a living rather than writing on any other random topic of technology.

Go for the Uncommon

Topics with same names will face a tough competition on the search engine. Moreover, if you are at the initial stage, it might take time to get featured.

To avoid this, take some efforts to find the words that are creative enough to attract an audience. Also, whatever you write there are chances that can be written beforehand by somebody else. So, if you’re determined to write about the topic come up with new ideas and make a difference online.

For example, you can spark up your brain using Quora to start blogging about the topics which are widely discussed and are popular to get backlinks.

Write About the Topic That Will Inform

Always prefer blog topics that are relevant to your target audience and keep them engaged. This is possible only if your topic has multiple things to discuss and is related to latest trends. Moreover, to maintain and Improve SEO search ranking you need to continuously feed updates on your blog.

Blogging on such topics makes sense and maximize your reach across various search engines.

For example, if you are blogging on technology trends and tools, it is necessary to make regular updates which keep users come to your blog on daily basis to learn the latest of the techs.

Understand the Competition

No wonder, that there are billions of bloggers worldwide! That creates the need for competitive intelligence.

To keep your content engaging and increase retention rates know your competitors well. To stand unique among the blog, always come creative. Knowing what works for your competitors is the surest way to confirm your own ideas for marketing, and to weed out time-consuming plans destined to fall flat.

For example, when two of the top-ranking sites compete on the same content categories, it is necessary to stand unique among the crowd.

Potential Business Streams with Popular Topics

Blogging is a way to reach an audience and make them understand why it is good to make business with you rather than your competitors?

A consistent blog post on your wall cultivates remarkable online presence to bring potential business streams. For this, research on how to start blogging on the popular topics and increase user engagement.

For example, there are the types of popular topics such as Listicles, How-tos, Beginners Guide, Frequently Asked Questions, and Ultimate Guides that have demonstrated massive success in the past and will continue to do so in the future.

Maintain Content Quality

All of these methods fail to maximize your reach, without an informative and quality content. Consider straight facts as a valuable content for your blog. Make it interactive with practical examples, as long as it allows for you to simplify a concept into more layman terms.

The last piece of planning required for quality content is the delivery and the timing. Also, the elements of content that include images, videos are benefits if they genuinely deliver something.

For example, topics written with a complete process of writing with research, formatting and proofread achieve remarkable results rather than a duplicate content with no quality.

Wrapping Up

By now you will be having a good idea of choosing a right topic for a profitable business and what makes a blog with a living.

I hope reading this article was quite helpful to choose your next blog topic. Feel free to share your views about the article and tell us below in case of any suggestion or questions.

Thank you for reading so far.

Have a great day ahead!



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