
ReactJS, also known as React, is a JavaScript framework that is available for free. Its primary purpose is to create complex interfaces for web applications using much less code than is needed when using vanilla JavaScript. This post will discuss pre-made solutions and React SEO tips or best practices that can help you acquire search engine presence while keeping all the advantages that come with using React programming and SPAs.

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Why Use React in a Single-Page App?
  • What is SEO, and How Can It Help You?
  • Additional Server-Side Rendering for ReactJS
  • Why Does Client-Side Rendering Affect SEO?
  • How Pages Are Crawled and Indexed by Google?
    • Crawling
    • Indexing
    • Serving and Positioning
  • Why is SEO Better with ReactJS and Server-Side Rendering?
  • Rendering Patterns
    • Application on a Single Page
  • Useful Tips for React SEO
    • Rendering On The Server Side
    • Virtual DOM
    • Considering URL Structure
    • Incorporating Meta Tags
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


Single-page apps (SPAs) powered on React are becoming more and more popular. Tech behemoths like Facebook, Twitter, and Google utilize React to create user-friendly, receptive, and animation-rich websites and web apps quickly. But the search engine optimization potential of products built using React or any other contemporary JavaScript framework, such as Angular, Vue, or Svelte—is constrained. If a website relies mostly on search engine marketing and website content to attract visitors, then this becomes an issue. That is the reason React SEO has several challenges. Considering that 93% of consumers begin their online journey through search engines, React-based SPAs jeopardize online marketing plans for companies.

Why Use React in a Single-Page App?

A web application that serves its content on a single HTML page is called a single-page application. Although this page is constantly updated, some of it does not completely refresh every time a user interacts with it. The client-side portion of a single-page web application just requests and loads the data that requires to be updated, as opposed to sending a fresh request to the server with each interaction and then getting a completely new page with fresh content.

Single-page apps include Trello, Gmail, Slack, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, and Gmail. Additionally, using a microservices architecture and scaling an SPA is simpler than with a multi-page app. Single-page apps provide a smooth user experience while interacting with a web application. These programs can also cache data in internal memory, which makes them load even quicker when used again. Developers can utilize React, Angular, or Vue, three well-liked JavaScript frameworks, to create a SPA.

React’s component-based architecture makes it simple to split up a huge application into smaller sections and reuse code for all components. Massive SPA projects are therefore far easier to manage and troubleshoot than massive multi-page apps. High app performance is ensured via the virtual DOM. However, as one might expect, React also has drawbacks, with its lack of React SEO friendliness being one of the most significant. Hire ReactJS developers from us to overcome this challenge as we have vast experience in tackling such bottlenecks and delivering smooth and high-performing React applications.

What is SEO, and How Can It Help You?

The technique of improving a website’s exposure on search engines to increase both the volume and quality of online visitors is known as search engine optimization or SEO. Helping a web application rank in search engines (Google, Bing) when the intended audience looks for information using a certain term is the primary goal of SEO. Optimizing applications for Google is the main focus of SEO efforts.

Digital companies are battling ferociously to appear on this first page of results for searches because of this. To identify an efficient technological stack, company managers must consider SEO optimization strategies from the outset of web app development. An SEO agency plays a crucial role in ensuring that businesses meet these optimization goals. A web crawler is a type of bot that checks websites regularly and evaluates them based on predetermined standards established by search engines.

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Additional Server-Side Rendering for ReactJS

You are probably thinking at this moment to completely disregard ReactJS. It’s hard to say if using it by itself will improve your search engine ranking. However, this is where the distinction between ReactJS vs NextJS becomes significant. NextJS resides on top of React with a ton of extra functionality. The difference between client-side and server-side rendering is that the former does not require you to render every web page through your browser. Rather, before any visitors to your site open their browser, pages are rendered on the server. After creating the complete HTML, the source code is forwarded to the browser.

Why Does Client-Side Rendering Affect SEO?

The primary issue with client-side rendering from an SEO perspective is that Google can miss the fact that your sites use a JavaScript framework like ReactJS. Google has made significant progress in addressing this issue in recent years, and this article describes how it uses its new, perpetually updated version of Chromium (also known as Googlebot) to handle JavaScript websites.

Although it is made to read client-side rendered webpages, is letting Googlebot handle content rendering the best course of action? And what about less intelligent search engines? The dangers include delayed indexing or, worse, unindexed websites, which essentially means Google Search will not display your pages or will struggle to rank them. Since server-side or pre-rendering is far better for SEO than client-side, Google is fully aware of this. ReactJS by itself isn’t always bad for websites, though; in certain cases, it still functions well. It generally occurs when SEO is not given high importance, such as when the material is password-protected. One other drawback of React-only websites is that content sharing on social media is a challenge.

Social networking websites will distribute your material without titles, descriptions, or photos as the meta titles haven’t been filled in on the server side. As a result, you miss out on a lot of clicks, which prevents visitors from visiting your website. As any enthusiast for search engine optimization is aware, websites with high traffic typically see an increase in ranks as a result of being seen as authoritative. Thus, you also lose out on this slight SEO benefit.

How Pages Are Crawled and Indexed by Google?

We want you to know how important web app speed and web development are before we get started. The process of improving your website so that search engines can crawl, index, and rank it higher is known as search engine optimization. A completely automated search engine is Google Search. Libraries today allow you to conduct the same kind of study quickly, when a century ago they would have needed you to dedicate hours referencing sources and searching for pertinent information to comprehend a subject. Software development is the source of both high performance and quick rendering times in SEO. There has never been anything approaching this in the Dewey Decimal system.


Texts, photos, and videos that you submit to Google for internet ranking are downloaded from those pages. Crawlers are automated programs that are in charge of discovering new web pages with “URL discovery.” Looking over these pages to see what’s there. The algorithmic software known as Googlebot selects which pages to see and crawl.


In this stage, the Google crawlers try to comprehend the content of the website. It doesn’t “read” paragraphs in the same way that humans do; instead, it examines the main content tags and attributes, the language used on the page, the material’s position, and its metadata.

SEO Works

Serving and Positioning

Serving and ranking is the last phase in Google’s indexing process; all other operations take place in the background. Serving and ranking is the dopamine-producing, visually stimulating part of search engine optimization. In this phase, the computer compares your content to questions that may be pertinent to a query. But as a general guideline, the material should adhere to E-E-A-T:

  • Experience
  • Expertise
  • Authority
  • Trustworthiness

Why is SEO Better with ReactJS and Server-Side Rendering?

Look, PHP has long been used for server-side rendering, thus, this is not a novel technique. However, the benefit of using JavaScript with this processing flow is that it offers a considerably better user experience and is simpler to scale. Compared to Java Script websites, which can process and render pages more easily and submit them to search engines, struggle when they have a large number of pages.

ReactJS is probably the solution if you’re also hoping for a flawless score on your Core Web Vitals exam. Furthermore, as previously noted, Google advises against using a server-side rendering strategy since it makes it harder for bots to locate sites on their first attempt. This increases the likelihood that your website will rank well since it makes it simpler to index.

Rendering Patterns

The first thing to be aware of concerning React is that it renders on the client side by default. Although this isn’t inherently harmful, it is well known that Google Search prefers text and HTML. When using CSR, the browser first requests a basic “wrapper” of JS from a CDN, which includes the HTML, CSS, and file contents required for a web application. After that, the browser may use API calls to retrieve dynamic JavaScript material that has to be displayed. Since SSR pre-renders HTML code for the user, using CSR also results in a slower first page load time than SSR. But when you navigate the site, the next page loads more quickly and fluidly since the JavaScript package has been downloaded previously and just the dynamic content has to be retrieved and shown.

Application on a Single Page

Even if React may make it easier to create stunning, dynamic content, a SPA still exists. This implies that a single page contains your full web application. Dynamic apps, work brilliantly, but not as well for SEO. Your meta tags would struggle to cover every important facet of your application. Second, applications that are single-page and don’t require extra routing libraries. You will require your application to have a website full of content, with high-quality articles, relevant keywords, and well-labeled metadata, to establish authority and competence online.

Single Page Apps

Useful Tips for React SEO

Ensuring the search engines can appropriately crawl and index React UI developers’ dynamic single-page applications is one of their toughest React SEO difficulties. Content on typical websites is easily found through server-side-generated HTML pages. JavaScript is used to render the content on the client side in React apps, though. Check out the following Rect SEO best practices.

Rendering On The Server Side

The effects of dynamic content rendering must be taken into account when talking about how SEO may be impacted by React’s single-page application (SPA) architecture. Since client-side JavaScript is largely used by SPAs to load information dynamically as users travel between sites, traditional crawlers for search engines may find it difficult to properly index and evaluate these pages.

This is where React SEO benefits greatly from server-side rendering (SSR). Search engine optimization (SEO) may improve your website’s exposure by facilitating easy crawling and indexing of all its pages by pre-rendering material on the server before providing it to the client. Essentially, to fully comprehend how React affects SEO, you must put tactics like SSR into practice to improve the functionality of your website and make sure search engines can correctly grasp your content. You may maximize your website’s potential for traffic from organic source development while simultaneously creating an effortless user interface by finding a balance between SEO criteria and SPA architecture.

Virtual DOM

Leverages a lightweight version of the DOM to speed up web page loading and updates. This makes a website’s content easier for crawlers to browse, which speeds up indexing and improves search visibility. React’s virtual DOM has several advantages, one of which is its capacity to lower server load and speed up website loading. This improves the user experience and is essential for raising search engine results. React further optimizes efficiency by making sure that only relevant components are re-rendered by effectively handling modifications and updates in the virtual DOM.

Possessing an SEO-friendly website is crucial for gaining exposure and generating organic traffic in the cutthroat online world of today. Companies can stay far ahead of the curve by providing websites that load quickly and are simple to navigate for consumers and search engines, thanks to React’s virtual DOM features.

Considering URL Structure

SEO is greatly aided by appropriate URL structure in addition to semantic HTML elements. Optimizing URLs for React apps entails designing pathways that are clear, easy to navigate, and appropriately represent the subject matter of each page. Use keywords associated with the page’s subject in your URLs rather than lengthy sequences of random letters or numbers. This improves user experience and raises the possibility that your sites will appear higher in the results of searches.

Incorporating Meta Tags

When it comes to search engine optimization, meta tags are essential. These little pieces of code give search engines crucial information about a webpage’s content, assisting them in comprehending and correctly indexing it. Some of the most important components that need to be optimized for improved React SEO are meta descriptions, title tags, and meta keywords. Search engine results pages (SERPs) display the title tag as the headline; it should be brief, informative, and contain pertinent keywords.

The meta description, which shows up in SERPs beneath the title tag, is a succinct synopsis of the webpage’s content. In addition to being interesting and educational, it should have pertinent keywords to encourage people to click through. Meta keywords are no longer used by Google for ranking, although they are still helpful for structuring content on your website. By focusing on these specifics and making sure your meta tags are properly optimized with pertinent keywords and compelling language, you may raise the search engine visibility of your website and draw in more natural visitors.


React is a fantastic framework for creating intricate user interfaces for applications. But the framework wasn’t designed with React SEO optimization in mind. React is a great framework for creating online applications, but to make your project search engine-friendly, you’ll need to employ dependencies and libraries. All things considered, it’s a recommended option for creating intricate online apps, but if you anticipate that search engines will be your primary source of traffic, you should give it some serious attention. Hire ReactJS developers from us if you need expert assistance creating a React web application that is optimized for search engines, and we’ll send out our team of professionals with decades of expertise in creating optimized apps.


React is not inherently SEO-friendly because it relies on client-side rendering, which can create issues for search engine crawlers. However, with proper optimization techniques like server-side rendering (SSR) or static site generation (SSG), React can be made SEO-friendly.

The most common SEO challenges in React apps include improper indexing due to client-side rendering, slow page load times, and difficulties in rendering dynamic content for crawlers.

Improving SEO in React can be achieved through techniques like implementing server-side rendering (using frameworks like Next.js), optimizing page load speed, adding meta tags dynamically, and ensuring mobile-friendly design.

Server-side rendering (SSR) is a method of rendering React components on the server, delivering a fully rendered HTML page to the browser. This improves SEO by making your content easily accessible and crawlable by search engines.

Page load speed is a critical factor for SEO. React apps can sometimes be heavy due to large JavaScript bundles, slowing down page speed. Optimizing the bundle size, lazy loading components, and using modern image formats can significantly improve load times and boost SEO.



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