“Before going with the term I would like to add up that future of content goes with mobile devices. The faster it loads, the longer it goes”

In this article, I am going to explain you the top-rated Bitcoin Payment integration methods and WordPress plugins to make the transactions easy to the very concept of national currency.

I am sure; you might be having a flood of questions in your mind like, who invented it, where it was first used and how.

So, let us begin with understanding the term Bitcoin first.

1. What are Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)?

Yes, we spend a lot of time on mobile phones and Brands are trying to come up with new features to monetize the audience on their sites. Google has gifted us with new Google AMP Project initiative for better mobile browsing and productive use of search engines that lead to decreasing bounce rates.

Google AMP stands for Google Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an open source object to provide with the instant loading of mobile content to improvise user experience. AMP is one of the ambitious methods aiming to handle the basic design guidelines in order to make pages that have less bloat time. AMP is the only lightweight framework built for the purpose of cutting down loading time.

It aims at providing faster mobile consumption. It is the direct response to those platforms having instantaneous loading contents on mobile devices. Now if you are a publisher, advertiser or want to reach the Ad tech platforms, go for Google AMP.

2. What are AMP plugins made of?


This makes common mobile pages pattern easy to implement and in more engaging ways.

  • AMP JS

This makes the page load time even faster, which means the quick rendering of your mobile HTML pages.

  • AMP Cache

This will fetch your mobile HTML pages and caches them automatically, to confirm your HTML pages are up and running efficiently.

3. What are the best AMP plugins 2017?

  • Active installs: 60000+
  • Ratings: 4.5

As the name itself suggest this plugin is very cooperative to load the content into AMP version. We can easily manage the content into Google Accelerated Mobile pages since it does not require any coding. We can integrate the AMP with WooCommerce to sell on mobile and enhance user experience.

How does AMP for WP work for you?

  • The plugin keeps user track record using Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager
  • As it is available for free it is coined to be most reliable for mobile publishers and visitors
  • It enables the facility to add custom post support
  • It speeds up the SEO for the top ranking
  • We earn extra by providing the Google AdSense facility
  • It uses better image stretching and resizing


  • Active installs: 8000+
  • Ratings: 3.5

Considered to be the fastest among all other AMP plugins, Better AMP is the most recent update to boost your mobile page, post, categories, tags, author page performance and productivity. Also, this plugin supports RTL languages completely.

How does Better AMP work for you?

  • AMP support for your WordPress mobile pages, menus, search bar, and more
  • Mobile integration tasks from one plugin
  • Features a live preview customizer
  • Test customized AMP mobile landing pages and content before publishing
  • Easy to use, similar to AMP WordPress site
  • Enhanced interface usability for your WordPress website


  • Active installs: 6000+
  • Ratings: 4.5

It is a plugin that enables quick accessibility to AMP support pages as it does not require any further configuration. The best portion of this plugin is to make it AMP friendly without changing much in appearance. Looking at all the benefits of this plugin we can consider it as the most recommended plugin for website owners.

How does AMP Ninja work for you?

  • In order to customize your customize your AMP experience, this plugin acts the best
  • It is multi-supportive for Google AdSense and Google Analytics
  • It ensures flexibility feature such that even a non-developer could easily customize code
  • We can keep scoring love by social media sharing
  • By this plugin, we can use Google Analytics track ID to track AMP pages
  • Ultimately we can say that it has the definitely best AMP experience for every user


  • Active installs: 3000+
  • Ratings: 4

It includes features for color styling of pages titles and articles. It is an open source software and also highly configurable. It is the most requested plugin nowadays. The plugin has unique features of custom designs and navigation layouts.

How does AMP supremacy work for you?

  • It help us to portray the website very dynamically and attractively over mobile devices
  • So far it has been the best plug-in for mobile optimization and increasing mobile traffic
  • After its one click installation process, all the functionalities are handled by default to posts, pages, categories, and tags
  • Most important feature is that it provides an inbuilt AMP tester or checker
  • It is the ultimate plugin to provide you AMPWP templates
  • It holds easy configuration so that we can easily set it up


  • Active installs: 1000+
  • Ratings: 3.5

Let us understand AMP WooCommerce plugin and how can it help you achieve the top rankings of your website. This plugin is recommended for e-commerce site owners that come up with online stores. It has a mobile friendly UI that creates the majority of people viewing the sites.

How does AMP WooCommerce for you?

  • This prominent plugin helps e-commerce business owners to increase their website search visibility for improve engagement and conversion rates
  • It has turned out to be a ‘must have’ plugin among all the AMP plugins
  • One of most discussed feature is it can help you increase the sales and revenue for any e-commerce site
  • This plugin improves search engine optimization to raise/enhance website rankings
  • It provides the user with categorized pages along with instant loading
  • It keeps the user intact and interested in the web store which boosts the user experience


  • Active installs: 300+
  • Ratings: 5

It has the ability to customize the output of Google AMP automatically and add to the Accelerated Mobile Pages. Whatsoever the content we have we need its customization and this plugin is found as the most recommended and beneficiary for customizing the output.

How does AMP Customizer work for you?

  • The name of the plugin itself signifies that it has the ability to provide customized output
  • We can remove posts from the AMP by using this plugin
  • It comes with a customize page where we can make the desired changes for AMP
  • The customized output will be of AMP version
  • This is one of the most trusted plugins in terms of customization
  • At the end, we can change the default output to customized output


  • Active installs: 200+
  • Ratings: 1.5

creates an AMP version of your website optimized for Google without necessary AMP HTML knowledge. The name itself says that it ‘adds’ something to AMP. This plugin provides with the advanced functionality than the AMP plugin. The most important benefit of this plugin is that it redirects a link provided to the privacy policy of the site owner.

How does AMP+ Plus work for you?

  • It detects the presence of YouTube videos in your AMP page
  • This plugin increase the reach of your content by providing ‘Share’ buttons
  • It uses the HTTPs secure protocol which is the most important feature for security purpose
  • It automatically adds Google Analytics to your AMP pages
  • The plug-in keeps a track over the usage data of AMP pages and provides mobile optimization
  • This particular plugin uses the Live List function and checks every 16 seconds, whether server on AMP-side is a newer version or not


  • Active installs: 200+
  • Ratings: 5

This plugin is mainly used to add sharing buttons referring social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Gmail and LinkedIn. These social platforms create a dynamic representation of the content through different media. We can consider it as a helping hand to publish your site across various social platforms as far as sharing is considered.

How does AMP Social Share work for you?

  • It comes with the basic menu tabs that give customization options like selecting share buttons
  • The name itself defines that its key feature is sharing over different social platforms
  • It also helps in giving title to the post provided by menu tab
  • The plugin uses the Facebook ID for sharing which can gain traffic to your site
  • It provides the WhatsApp icons functionality to your AMP


  • Active installs: 100+
  • Ratings: 4

productive plugin which provides the features and fixes in AMP WordPress plugin. You can fix schema problem with publisher logo, add a link to AMP version of the post and also setup Google Analytics to track visitors.

How does AMP Toolbox work for you?

  • It can give suggestions for related post below your post content layouts
  • We can provide relevant customization to header such as changing color, featured images and adding CSS
  • One of the important and key functionality is to track users using Google Analytics
  • We can also provide an option to viewers by giving a link to see the normal version of the current AMP version page
  • The users are opting to turn off the tags in a single line


  • Active installs: 50+
  • Ratings: 5

This plugin makes the author section warmer where you can attract readers. You can select multiple options according to our choice for e.g. social media icons, link to WordPress profile, author name and so on. This plugin holds the author’s bio information that enhances the author’s personality on the web.

How does AMP author box work for you?

  • This is the best plugin that offers a personalized space for website and blog sites
  • It serves as personal ID card for your website
  • This plugin is the best when a blog has multiple authors
  • It adds up to the inbuilt features of AMP plugin
  • We can provide custom colors to links


4. What’s the best part? It comes to you in 3 simple steps

  • Download plugin of your choice from the WordPress dashboard
  • Add the selected AMP plugin files to the folder /wp-content/plugins
  • Activate the plugins from ‘Plugin’ menu in WordPress

Wrapping up

For those who are using the above mentioned AMP plugins, I’m sure you understand the benefits of each, however, for those who haven’t tried any of them are surely leaving dollars on the table.

You can get an access to the entire list of AMP plugins here.



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